Start Hauler Service

Call us:
Call 251-709-7673 to see if Integra Water can accept your discharge.

New and renewing haulers must complete the Discharge Permit Application.

Provide proof of Comprehensive General Liability and Vehicle Liability coverage. Name Integra Water Creola, LLC as an additional insured on the policies.

Vehicle Info:
Provide the license plate number, chassis, make, year, cab color, tank color, and capacity in gallons, ID number, and a photograph of each vehicle.

Permit Fee:
Include check for $125 with permit (if mailed) or call customer service once application is processed.

Read the Permit Conditions and download a copy for your files

All Documents and Check need to be submitted to:
All documents can be emailed to If sending by mail please include a check, and send them to the following address:
Integra Water – Creola
Attn: Customer Service
PO Box 10127
Birmingham, AL 35202
Once we have processed the application we will issue a NEW permit with a Permit ID Number. We will email the permits to you. This permit and ID number will need to be displayed in each Hauler Vehicle. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service at (205) 326 3200 Option 2